Subject area | Hours per fortnight | Percentage of curriculum time |
English Language and Literature | 8 | 16% |
Languages | 5 | 10% |
Mathematics | 8 | 16% |
Option #1 | 5 | 10% |
Option #2 | 5 | 10% |
Option #3 | 5 | 10% |
Physical Education | 3 | 6% |
PSCHE | 1 | 2% |
Religious Education | 2 | 4% |
Science | 8 | 16% |
The table and diagram above explains what proportion of the curriculum time in Year 10 is allocated to each of the curriculum areas and the teaching hours for a 50-period fortnight (the school operates a 2-week 50 hour timetable).
Year 10 is organised into two equal, parallel halves, y band and z band. This means that the year is split by ability and gender into two equal groups. These two halves are then treated as equal groups. The year half is then the same for all classes in every subject.
The ability of the cohort determines the ability of the groups, so it is not the case that a comparison can be made between groups in different years.
We regularly assess students and will only move student’s groups if it is appropriate to do so. It is however, not appropriate to do this multiple times through the year, so we keep to a schedule of assessment, moderation, discussion and information-sharing and then group changes.
Whilst we endeavour to do everything possible to avoid mistakes, we are human and mistakes can happen. If you think that this is the case for your child, then please contact their Progress Tutor or ultimately their Progress Manager so that we can engage in dialogue to rectify any issues or resolve any queries or misunderstandings. Please remember that grouping is not about parental preference, but about our proven methods of correct placement.
Where students are not making sufficient progress towards the expected standards, we will alter their curriculum provision to support them to make expected progress. This can be on targeted withdrawal from some lessons or classes or extra support in classes. We assess the need for this from internally administered reading age tests and other assessments.
English Language and Literature
(click here for subject information)
Students are grouped (broadly in ability order) in English classes using information from the previous year. In Year 10 there are five classes in each y year half and four classes in z year half for English and they are numbered 1-5. Group 1 is at the top of the ability spectrum. Groups y2, y3 and z2 of equal ability for set 2. Groups y4, z3 and z4 are also of equal ability for set 3 and Group y5 is set 4. Groups are split to allow smaller class sizes and therefore more dedicated support.
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10y/En3. This is Year 10, y half, English, group 3.
(click here for subject information)
Students are grouped (broadly in ability order) in Mathematics classes using information from the previous year. In Year 10 there are five classes in each y year half and four classes in z year half for Mathematics and they are numbered 1-5. Group 1 is at the top of the ability spectrum. Groups y2, y3 and z2 of equal ability for set 2. Groups y4, z3 and z4 are also of equal ability for set 3 and Group y5 is set 4. Groups are split to allow smaller class sizes and therefore more dedicated support.
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10z/Ma2. This is Year 10, z half, Maths, group 2.
(click here for subject information)
Students are grouped into 10 classes in Science. In Year 10 there are five classes in each year half for Science and they are numbered 1-5. Students studying Triple Science (Option subject) are placed in mixed ability groups within groups y1, y2 and z1. The remaining students are grouped (broadly in ability order) in Science Trilogy classes using information from the previous year.
Groups y2 and z2 are of equal ability for set 1. Groups y4 and z3 are also of equal ability for set 3 and groups y5, z4 and z5 are of similar ability for set 4. Groups for Science Trilogy are split to allow smaller class sizes and therefore more dedicated support.
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10y/Sc4. This is Year 10, Science (Trilogy), group 4, set 2.
(click here for subject information)
In year 10 students continue to study their language pathway in mixed ability, language specific classes. Students who have chosen to study a second language (Options) will be in two separate language specific classes.
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10A/Fr3. This is Year 10, Block A, Languages, French group 3. (Es for Spanish and De for German)
Religious Education
(click here for subject information)
Classes in Religious Education are organised by their English class, so if your son/daughter is in group Z4 for English, then they will also be in Z4 for Religious Education.
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10y/Re1. This is Year 10, y half, Geography, group 1.
Physical Education
(click here for subject information)
Students are placed in ability selective, single-gender mixed ability groups and do a variety of sports throughout the year. There are 4 groups in each year half.
On the student’s timetable this will appear as 10y/Pe2, for example. This is Year 10, y half, Physical Education, group 2.
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
(click here for subject information)
Students follow a programme of guest speaker talks, assemblies and lessons that cover all aspects of Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education, British values, Food & Nutrition and careers guidance. There are 10 groups in the year and they are organized by progress (form) groups.
On the student’s timetable this will appear as 10yz/T4, for example. This is Year 10, PSHCE, progress group 4.
Options Subjects
Students are placed in mixed ability classes for their 3 Options subjects (Triple Science and dual languages as per above).
As an example, on a student’s timetable this will appear as 10A/St1. This is Year 10, Block A, Statistics, group 1. Each subject has its own two letter code and is often the first two letters or initials of the subject name.