Our pastoral care system aims to promote responsible behaviour and respect for ourselves and each other. We are committed to a positive approach and, whenever possible, praise and rewards are used to motivate and encourage the students. There is a clear code of conduct which students are expected to follow at all times and this is underpinned by appropriate sanctions, as set out in the school’s positive schooling policy.
Progress Tutor
Our pastoral care system aims to promote responsible behaviour and respect for ourselves and each other. We are committed to a positive approach and, whenever possible, praise and rewards are used to motivate and encourage. The Progress Tutor is a key figure in a student’s time at Brine Leas and they are the first contact point for parents when problems arise. In a normal week all students see their progress tutors every day, in the morning and afternoon, and will spend time taking part in house and year group assemblies. Form time is also broken down into PSCHE sessions, quiet reading and daily uniform/equipment checks. Tutors have immediate access to information about students’ achievements and any incidents during the day through accessing the school system.
House System
Our pastoral structure is represented by our House system, a powerful and effective way for students to feel part of the school. Each student is a member of one of three Houses: Audley, Warwick and Lovell; depending on which tutor group they are in. This system helps them to develop relationships across all age groups throughout the school. The House system supports the extra-curricular programme and creates many opportunities for students to participate in school life as they take part in house competitions and events.
School Nurse
The school nurse is available on a drop in basis every Wednesday 12:30-13:30, to provide advice and guidance on a range of health concerns. Appointments can be made via Mr Linde or alternatively students are welcome to drop in.
Occasionally, difficulties arise with students which are of a personal and sensitive nature. The role of the School Counsellor is to assist the student with the area of distress. Counselling involves guidelines, not clear rules, and a basic trust not to communicate a client’s shared thoughts and feelings. Occasionally, however, liaison with parents, staff and appropriate outside agencies becomes necessary. A school counsellor is also available by referral through the students’ Progress Manager. Please note: the school will exercise the discretion where appropriate for students to refer themselves under Gillick competency without the need for parental permission or knowledge.