Your School Nurse Service
Your School nurse Service can work both in and out of school to help provide or fine you support around:
- Keeping Healthy
- Immunisations
- Emotional Health
- Weight and Obesity
- Sexual Health
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Smoking
We can also help make sure that young people with disabilities, long term illness, or other needs can receive extra support when they need it. If we can’t provide the help ourselves, we will refer you to someone who can.
Your School Nurse Is:
- Lydia Hulse
We provide a confidential service. This means that you can discuss personal information in confidence. We will not discuss your personal information with anyone else without your permission. This includes parents and teachers. We would only pass on your information in order to protect you or someone else from serious harm. Whenever possible we would discuss this with you first.
School Nurses or Specialist Community Public Health Nurses are qualified nurses or midwives with specific graduate level education, and work with
a team to support you.
When and Where can I Access my School Nurse Service.
A drop in service will be available on the following dates:
- Every Wednesday 12.30-1.15
Appointments can be made outside this time by contacting the LEC.