Brine Leas School > Search results for 'which'

Exam Results 2017

Excellent GCSE results at Brine Leas School once again mark 2017 as an outstanding success The move from A* to G to 9 to 1 means that this year’s results cannot be meaningfully compared to those of previous years. All subjects except English and maths have been graded using existing measures of A* to G. […]

News Archive

Careers Convention On Tuesday 11th February we held our annual Careers Convention and we were again overwhelmed by the generosity of our local firms and colleges Read more…. BL6 New York Visit 13th-17th February Why not follow your son/daughter on tour using GPS technology. No username or password is needed to view the link. However […]

Menai Poppies

Menai Poppies During the week of 20th – 24th October our Year 7 students enjoyed an fun filled activity residential in Menai. During this week the students created these amazing poppies which were used to create our version of the glass poppies. I’m sure you will agree they look fantastic.


We really like books at Brine Leas and have spent a lot of money on new stock for the library. Our staff know their Anthony Horowitz from their Malorie Blackman and John Steinbeck and can give friendly recommendations as to appropriate reading. We’ve invested in Accelerated Reader, both in timetabled library lessons as well as […]


Our pastoral care system aims to promote responsible behaviour and respect for ourselves and each other. We are committed to a positive approach and, whenever possible, praise and rewards are used to motivate and encourage the students. There is a clear code of conduct which students are expected to follow at all times and this […]


At Brine Leas School, we aim to build a working relationship between ourselves and families to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to learn. We believe that if students are to gain the greatest benefit from their time at school, it is essential that they attend regularly. Many parents may not realise the […]


September 2020 Due to Covid-19 all correspondence has been placed on the Information from the Heads page which can be accessed via the link below Information from the Head October 2020 Due to Covid-19 all correspondence has been placed on the Information from the Heads page which can be accessed via the link below Information […]

Work Experience Timetable

Year 10 Careers and Work Experience Information Evening – Monday 5th October 2015 Parents will be given an overview of Year 10 Careers and Work Experience. During the evening work experience self-placement forms will be available to take home. Mock Interviews – Week commencing Monday 9th November 2015 Each student is given a 20 minute […]


“The quality of curriculum that a school has shapes the quality of thinking that goes on in the school and therefore shapes the quality of the minds engaged in the common, curriculum pursuit.” Martin Robinson Delivering a responsive and outward-thinking knowledge rich Curriculum is something we are very passionate about at Brine Leas School. Our […]


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