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Year 7 Curriculum 2018/19

Subject areaHours per fortnightPercentage of curriculum time Art24% Computing12% Drama24% English816% Food12% Geography36% History36% Languages48% Mathematics816% Music24% Physical Education48% PSCHE12% Religious Education24% Science714% Technology24% The table and diagram above explains what proportion of the curriculum time in Year 7 is allocated to each of the curriculum areas and the teaching hours for a 50-period fortnight […]

Options Post-18

In 2013, the participation age was raised to 18 years of age. This means all young people are required to continue to participate in education or training until at least their 18th birthday. There are lots of things a student should think about when deciding their next steps after school: Alternatives to going to university


Interviews are a two-way communication. Not only are they a tool for employers to use to evaluate the potential employee, but they are also an opportunity for the employee to assess the job and the organization to see if they would suit. Interviews for part time work, full time work and apprenticeships start before an […]

CV Writing

A CV is a personal document and everybody’s CV is different. CVs are widely accepted by employers as a method to apply for their vacancies, albeit part time, full time or an Apprenticeship. These documents are useful as they are a great way to record and quickly access a student’s education and employment history. Initially […]

Experience of the Workplace

Later in their courses, students take part in an experience of the workplace. We are commited to enabling students to have first-hand experiences of the workplace to help their exploration of career opportunities; to develop their self-confidence and personal skills; and to learn from employers about work and the range of skills that are valued […]


What is STEM? STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Sometimes this is also known as STEAM which is STEM plus Arts. Why are STEM subjects important? STEM benefits students by gaining skills required to succeed in the 21st-century job market. They help to develop critical thinking, reasoning, and investigative skills, whilst […]

Careers & Work Experience

‘School leaders go ‘above and beyond’ to ensure that all pupils have access to impartial careers advice. Pupils have access to a coherent programme to build their knowledge, skills and competencies.’ Ofsted 2017 At Brine Leas School, our aim is to help students to choose a career that is right for them. We are fully […]

How to Choose a Career

Please see the linked information form Cheshire East Council with regards to child employment. Child Employment – Cheshire East Council Researching is the key to reach a career preference. Students should use the following questions as prompts: Where are the growth industries right now? Information on the local and national labour market can be found […]

Duke of York Visit 2018

His Royal Highness the Duke of York, KG, elected to visit Brine Leas School on Tuesday 22nd May to personally present certificates to around 50 students that had achieved the Bronze standard in his own iDEA scheme. The Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is a programme that aspires to be […]

Year 7 Curriculum 2016/17

Subject areaHours per fortnightPercentage of curriculum time Art24% Computing12% Drama24% English714% Food12% Geography36% History36% Languages510% Mathematics714% Music24% Physical Education48% PSCHE12% Religious Education212% Science612% Technology48% The table and diagram above explains what proportion of the curriculum time in Year 7 is allocated to each of the curriculum areas and the teaching hours for a 50-period fortnight […]