School Uniform Consultation March 2024

Proposed change of school uniform for September 2024

Brine Leas School, like any other school, is continually looking at how it operates. A few months ago, parents and governors were asked for their thoughts on the current school uniform. There are a number of factors which have led to this proposal including:

  • Feedback from earlier consultations
  • Discussions at the Local Governing Board
  • Cost of uniform items
  • Availability of uniform and minimising branded items
  • Relevant legislation (Human Rights Act 1998, Equality Act 2010, Education Regulations 2014)
  • School policies, ethos and values, shared identity and common sense of purpose
  • The availability of second-hand uniform
  • Other support with the cost of school uniforms
  • The timeframe for implementation

Proposed changes:

Main school uniform

School blazer with embroidered school logo*
Blue school shirt
School tie, with swash in House colours
V-neck plain grey school jumper*
Grey school trousers*
Pleated grey school skirts*
Grey or black socks
Grey or black tights
Plain black shoes

*denotes changes to existing style, colour or item

Notes on main school uniform

School blazer – Updated style and colour of blazer. Only available from school supplier (£28-£45 depending upon size – no increase when compared to supplier of current blazer). Blazers tend to be the longest life item in the main school uniform and therefore this would be a phased introduction from September 2024 and completed by September 2025 to allow blazers purchased in the past 12 months to have at least another 18 months of life.

Blue school shirt – no change to the existing requirements. Short and long sleeve shirts are suitable. Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Can be purchased for £5-£12 depending upon outlet and size).

School Tie – no change to the existing requirements. (Cost £5 from school or school supplier). Year 11 can trade in their clip-on tie for a Year 11 tie-able tie at no cost.

V-neck plain grey school jumper (optional) – change to existing requirements from black to grey. Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers.

Grey school trousers – change to the existing requirements from black to grey. Consideration was given to specific school-supplier-only trousers with embroidered logo to avoid any confusion over style of trouser, that was rejected due to the extra cost involved. (Can be purchased for £12-£20 depending upon outlet and size).

Pleated grey school skirt – change to the existing requirements from black to grey and the addition of pleats. Consideration was given to a specific school-supplier-only skirt with embroidered logo to avoid any confusion over style of skirt, that was rejected due to the extra cost involved. (Approximately £12-£20 depending upon outlet and size).

Grey or black school socks – no change to the existing requirements.

Grey or black school tights – no change to the existing requirements.

Plain black shoes – no change to the existing requirements.

Please see the existing ‘Uniform and appearance policy’ for existing requirements and guidance on these and other items including, hair, coats, make-up, and jewellery.

PE kit and other uniform items

Royal blue BLS PE top
Plain black loose-fit shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms
Plain black knee-high football-style socks
Trainers for hard-ground outdoor activities and indoor activities including dance and drama

BLS PE Hoodie (optional – for winter warmth)
Plain black long-sleeved base layer or long-sleeve BLS PE top (optional for winter warmth)

Shin pads for some outdoor sports (seasonal – limited numbers to loan pupils)
Studded boots for outdoor winter sports (not needed for the summer term – limited numbers to loan to pupils)
Gum-shield / mouth guard for contact sports

Notes on PE kit and other uniform items

There are no proposed changes to the existing PE kit and other uniform items.

Royal blue BLS PE top – Only available from school and school supplier (£28-£45 depending upon size).

Plain black loose-fit shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms – Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Cost £3-£6 depending upon outlet and size).

Plain black knee-high football-style socks – Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Can be purchased for £2-£7 depending upon outlet and size).

Trainers – Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Can be purchased for £5-£15 depending upon outlet and size).

Studded boots – Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Can be purchased for £8-£15 depending upon outlet and size).

Gum shield / mouth guard – Available from most supermarkets and other suppliers. (Cost £3-£10 depending upon outlet and size).

Please note that the research for prices was undertaken in February 2024 and used major supermarkets, online outlets and other stores.

Examples of the proposed new main school uniform is on display in the main school reception.

The consultation period will end on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 3pm. Feedback from pupil, parent, staff, and governor stakeholders will be collated and presented to the Local Governing Board. All stakeholders will be notified of any decisions made by the Local Governing Board at the earliest opportunity.

Feedback from parents and governors will be collected via Microsoft Forms using the link below. Parents may also provide individual pupil feedback via this form.

Feedback from school pupil and student representatives will be collected via the school parliament.

Thank you for taking the time to read this consultation.